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姓名: 王伟
籍贯: 山西静乐
职称: 助理研究员
学位: 理学博士
毕业院校: 中国科学院大学—兰州大学
研究方向: 矿区复垦土壤重构、土壤培肥固碳、生物结皮生态效应




2017.09-2022.06 兰州大学—中国科学院大学联合培养 生态学 理学博士

2014.09-2017.06 沈阳农业大学 生态学 理学硕士

2010.09-2014.07 忻州师范学院 地理科学 理学学士


2023.07-至今 山西农业大学资源环境学院 助理研究员



2.山西农业大学优秀博士启动项目, 2023BQ120,接种丛枝菌根真菌对煤矿区复垦土壤有机碳源的贡献机制,2024.01至2026.12,35万元,在研,主持.

3.山西省博士毕业生研究人员来晋工作奖励经费科研项目, SXBYKY2023038,煤矿复垦区不同植被利用类型土壤有机碳库周转机制, 2023.12至2025.11,5万元,在研,主持.




7.甘肃省教育科技创新项目,2021CXZX-030,免耕对雨养区生物土壤结皮土壤碳氮及水土保持的影响及机制,2021.06 至 2022.12, 0.5万元,结题,主持.

8.兰州大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,lzujbky-2021-it20,半干旱区接种生物土壤结皮对苜蓿草地土壤碳、氮及水土保持的影响及其机制,2021.01 至 2022.12,2万元,结题,主持.

9.甘肃省科技专项,071100114,甘肃省废旧农膜残留污染综合防治技术试验示范,2020.01 至 2020.12,20万元,结题,参与.

10.农业农村部科技专项,13200255,农业生态环境保护-农田地膜残留污染监测评估,2019.01 至 2019.12,30万元,结题,参与.



1、Wang W, Li M Y, Zhou R, Mo F, Wang B Z, Zhu L, Tao H Y, Zhu Y, Wang W L, Zhao Z Y, Xiong Y C*. Moss-dominated biocrust-based biodiversity enhances carbon sequestration via water interception and plant-soil-microbe interactions. iScience, 2023. 336, 130378. (SCI 2区, IF=6.107)

2、Wang W, Zhou R **, Wang B Z, Zhao L, Zhao Z Y, Sheteiwy M S, Fang X W, Deng J M, Su Y Z, Xiong Y C*. Biocrust as a nature-based strategy (NbS) to restore the functionality of degraded soils in semiarid rainfed alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) field. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022. 336, 130378. (SCI 1区TOP, IF=11.072)

3、Wang W, Wang B Z, Zhou R, Ullah A, Zhao Z Y, Wang P Y, Su Y Z, Xiong Y C*. Biocrust as a nature-based strategy (NbS) improve soil carbon and nitrogen stocks and maize productivity in semiarid environment. Agricultural Water Management, 2022. 270, 107742. (SCI 1区TOP, IF =6.611)

4、Wang W, Cheng Z G, Li M Y, Wang B Z, Li J Y, Wang W, Su Y Z, Batool A, Xiong Y C*. Increasing periods after seeding under twice-annually harvested alfalfa reduces soil carbon and nitrogen stocks in the semiarid environment. Land Degradation and Development. 2020, 31, 2872-2882. (SCI 1区TOP, IF =4.377)

5、Li Z J, Jin D S*, Bo H J, Wang W, Zhang B H, Zhang W J, Zhang Q, Wang H, Wang H B, Feng M X, Li H D. Long-term deposition of fly ash regulates bacterial communities in different disturbance zones: Evidence from diversity, network complexity and predictive metabolic function.  Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 888: 164244. (SCI 1区TOP, IF =9.6)

6、Cheruiyot W K, Wang W, Zhu S G, Kavagi L, Zhang X C, Mburu D M, Ma M S, Munyasya A N, Koskei K, Indoshi S N, Nyende A B, Tao H Y, Xiong Y C*. Environmental and Economic Impacts of Biodegradable Plastic Film Mulching on Rainfed Maize: Evaluations on Sustainability and Productivity. Agricultural Science & Technology, 2022, A-K.

7、Zhu S G, Tao H Y, Li W B, Zhou R, Gui Y W, Zhu L, Zhang X L, Wang W, Wang B Z, Mei F J, Zhu H, Xiong Y C*. Phosphorus availability mediates plant–plant interaction and field productivity in maize-grass pea intercropping system: Field experiment and its global validation. Agricultural Systems, 2023,205, 103584. (SCI 1区TOP, IF =6.765)

8、Yang Y M, Naseer M, Zhu Y, Zhu S G, Wang B Z, Wang J, Zhu H, Wang W, Tao H Y, Xiong Y C*. Dual effects of nZVI on maize growth and water use are positively mediated by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi via rhizosphere interactions. Environmental Pollution, 2022, 308, 119661. (SCI2区TOP, IF =9.988).

9、Munyasy A N, Koskei K, Zhou R, Liu S T, Indoshi S N, Wang W, Zhang X C, Cheruiyot W K, Mburu D M, Nyende A B, Xiong Y C*. Integrated on-site & off-site rainwater-harvesting system boosts rainfed maize production for better adaptation to climate change. Agricultural Water Management. 2022, 269: 107672. (SCI 1区TOP, IF =6.611)

10、Koskei K, Munyasya A N, Wang Y B, Zhao Z Y, Zhou R, Indoshi S N, Wang W, Cheruiyot W K, Mburud D M, Nyended A B, Xiong Y C*. Effects of increased plastic film residues on soil properties and crop productivity in agro-ecosystem. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021, 414:125521. (SCI 1区TOP, IF =14.224)

11、Zhao Z Y, Wang P Y, Wang Y B, Zhou R, Koskei K, Munyasya A N, Liu S T, Wang W, Su Y Z, Xiong Y C*. Fate of plastic film residues in agro-ecosystem and its effects on aggregate-associated soil carbon and nitrogen stocks. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021, 416:125954. (SCI 1区TOP, IF =14.224)

12、王伟,王保忠,李霁源,任爱天,熊友才*. 黄土高原丘陵区不同种植年限紫花苜蓿对土壤质量及牧草产量的影响,2018 Forum on Ecological Civilization in the University Alliance of Belt and Road(中国-兰州),2018,51.(摘要集)

13、Zhao T H, Wang W, Tian R R, Wang Y*. Effects of ozone stress on secondary metabolism and antioxidant capacity in soybean roots, Proceeding of 2016 The International Conference on Biomedical and Biological Engineering, 2016, 421-427.(EI)

14、Mao B, Wang Y, Zhao T H*, Tian R R, Wang W, Ye J S. Combined effects of elevated O3 concentrations and enhanced UV-B radiation of the biometric and biochemical properties of soybean roots. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8,1568. (SCI2区TOP, IF =5.6).

15、Zhao T H*, Zhou T, Wang W, Li WY. Effects of seed soaking with La(NO3)3 on anti-oxidization system of soybean roots,Advances in intelligent systems research,2015,29-33.(EI)

16、王伟,王岩,梁变变,赵天宏*,田荣荣,武红艳. 初花期喷镧对增强UV-B辐射下紫花苜蓿光合及荧光特性的影响,中国农业气象,2017,38(4),230-239.

17、王伟,王岩,赵天宏*,梁变变,郭书嫄,田荣荣. 刈割对UV-B辐射增强下紫花苜蓿光合及荧光特性的影响,生态学杂志,2016,35(7),1721-1729.

18、王伟,赵艺欣,郭书嫄,赵天宏*,岳姝妤. UV-B辐射增强对紫花苜蓿光合特性及膜脂过氧化的影响,江苏农业科学,2016,44(10),324-327.

19、王伟,王岩,赵天宏*,梁变变,田荣荣. 不同时期喷镧对增强UV-B辐射下紫花苜蓿生理特性的影响,第十五届中国生态学大会论文集(中国-兰州),2016,499.(摘要集)

20、梁变变,石培基*,王伟,唐笑,周文霞,敬烨. 基于RS和GIS的干旱区内陆河流域生态系统质量综合评价——以石羊河流域为例,应用生态学报,2017,28(1),199-209.

21、梁变变,石培基*,王伟,唐笑,周文霞. 甘肃省农业水土资源时空匹配格局,资源开发与市场,2016,32(12),1461-1465.

22、田荣荣,王岩,王伟,毛兵,赵天宏*. 大豆叶片黄酮类及多酚类物质对臭氧浓度升高的响应,生态环境学报,2016,25(8),1277-1282.

23、毛兵,赵天宏*,田荣荣,王伟,叶佳舒. 地表臭氧浓度升高对森林及农田地下生态过程的影响》,第四作者,生态环境学报,2016,25(9),1584-1590.

24、李立辉,王岩,胡海燕,赵天宏*,郭书嫄,王伟,姚欣. 初花期干旱对不同抗旱性紫花苜蓿光合特征及荧光参数的影响,华北农学报,2015,30(4),126-131.


Best Researcher Award, 4th Edition of International Young Scientist Awards, 国际学术奖, 2023

