副研究员 当前位置: 首页 >> 师资力量 >> 副教授、副研究员
姓名: 王科
籍贯: 山西陵川
职称: 副研究员
学位: 工学博士
毕业院校: 西北农林科技大学
研究方向: 水土过程与调控




2017.09-2022.06 西北农林科技大学 环境科学专业 工学博士

2014.09-2017.06 贵州大学 土壤学专业 农学硕士

2010.09-2014.06 山西农业大学 农业资源与环境专业 农学学士


2025.01-至今 山西农业大学资源环境学院 副研究员

2022.07-2025.01 山西农业大学资源环境学院 助理研究员








1.Wang Ke, Zhang Xiaoyuan, Zheng Jiyong*, Zhang Wenjing, Yang Zhiping*, Zhang Qiang, Cai Jinjun, Wang Xiaolin, 2024. Amended soils with weathered coal exhibited greater resistance to aggregate breakdown than those with biochar: From the viewpoint of soil internal forces. Soil & Tillage Research 244, 106244.

2.Wang Ke, Zheng Jiyong*, Li Gaoliang, Ma Zhanghuai, Zhang Xiaoyuan, Zhang Qiang, Yang Zhiping*, Huang Gaojian, 2024. Caragana korshinskii of different planting years altered the soil water, carbon, and nitrogen storage in the different layers within level ditch on slope in a semi-arid area. Catena 242, 108126.

3.Li Gaoliang#, Wang Ke#, Zheng Jiyong*, Zheng Yi, Ma Zhanghuai, Zhang Xiaoyuan, Yang Kaiqi. 2024. Impacts of infiltration holes on rainfall-runoff production on slopes treated with engineering measures: A simulation study in the Loess Plateau of China. Land Degradation & Development 35:156–167. 

4.Wang Ke,Li Gaoliang, Ma Zhanghuai, Zhang Zitong, Duan Cuihua, Zheng Jiyong*, 2023. Mulching cannot further amplify the improved effects of infiltration hole on soil environment in level ditch in semiarid loess plateau, northwestern China. Journal of Hydrology 626, 130337.

5.Wang Ke,Zhang Xiaoyuan, Zheng Jiyong*, Wang Dandan, 2023. Diferences in Soil Organic Carbon Accumulation After 8 Years of Biochar Application with High and Low Rates. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 23, 4987–4996.

6.Zhang Zitong#, Wang Ke#, Li Gaoliang, Xie Xiaomeng, Chang Xiaofeng*, Zheng Jiyong*. 2023. Beyond shrub dieback: Understory plant diversity, soil water and soil carbon storage were improved in a semi-arid region. Forest Ecology and Management. 545: 121267.

7.Zhang Xiaoyuan, Zheng Jiyong*, Wang Ke,Wang Xiaolin, Zhang Zitong, Xie Xiaomeng, Cai Jinjun. 2023. Greater mineral and aggregate protection for organic carbon in the soil amended by weathered coal than by biochar: Based on a 3-year field experiment. Geoderma 438: 116639.

8. Wang Ke, Zhang Xiaoyuan, Li Gaoliang, Ma Jiangbo, Zhang Suiqi*, Zheng Jiyong*. Effect of using an infiltration hole and mulching in fish-scale pits on soil water, nitrogen, and organic matter contents: Evidence from a 4-year field experiment. Land Degradation & Development, 2021, 32: 4203-4211.


9. Wang Ke, Zhang Xiaoyuan, Sun Cengceng, Yang Kaiqi, Zheng Jiyong*, Zhou Jihai. Biochar application alters soil structure but not soil hydraulic conductivity of an expansive clayey soil under field conditions. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2021, 21: 73-82.

10. Wang Ke, Zhang Xiaoyuan, Ma Jiangbo, Ma Zhanghuai, Li Gaoliang, Zheng Jiyong*. Combining infiltration holes and level ditches to enhance the soil water and nutrient pools for semi-arid slope shrubland revegetation. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 729: 138796.

11.Wang Ke, Ma Zhanghuai, Zhang Xiaoyuan, Ma Jiangbo, Zhang Lei, Zheng Jiyong*. Effects of vegetation on the distribution of soil water in gully edges in a semi-arid region. Catena, 2020, 195: 104719.

