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姓名: 朱洪芬
籍贯: 山西曲沃
职称: 教授
学位: 博士
毕业院校: 山西农业大学
研究方向: 土地利用与信息技术




2013.09-2017.07 山西农业大学,资源环境学院,土壤学专业,博士

2005.09-2008.07 南京农业大学,公共管理学院,地图学与地理信息系统专业,硕士

2001.09-2005.07 山西农业大学,资源环境学院,土地资源管理专业,学士


2024.03-至今     山西农业大学,资源环境学院,教授

 2022.11-2023.11  新西兰皇家林业研究院,林业水资源,访问学者

2018.01-2024.02: 山西农业大学,资源环境学院,副教授

2014.10-2015.10: 加拿大萨斯卡彻温大学,土壤系,访问学者

2012.01-2017.12: 山西农业大学,资源环境学院,讲师

2008.09-2011.12: 山西农业大学,资源环境学院,助教











(1) Cui N, Jia H, Jing Y, Zhu H*. Spatial variation of top soil moisture in semi-arid agro-pastoral ecotone and its response to spatial driving factors: a case study in the Sanggan River Basin, China. Polish journal of environmental studies, 2024, 10.15244/pjoes/178010.  

(2) Ding H, Zhu H*, Sun R, Wen W, Bi R*. Variation in the physical properties of soil in relation to natural and anthropogenic factors in the hilly loess region of China. Catena, 2024, 236, 107751.

(3) Wang B, Hu W, Xue J, Jing Y, Zhu H*, Ding H. Revealing the globally multiscale controls of environmental factors on carbon use efficiency. Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 892, 164634.

(4) Wang B, Sun R, Deng Y, Zhu H*, Hou M. The variability of net primary productivity and its response to climatic changes based on the methods of spatiotemporal decomposition in the Yellow River Basin, China. Polish journal of environmental studies, 2022, 31(5), 4299-4312.

(5) Ding H, Zhu H*, Hu W, Bi R. Spatial scaling effects to enhance the prediction for the temporal changes of soil total nitrogen density from 2007 to 2017 in different climatic basins, Frontiers in ecology and evolution, 2022, 10, 848865.

(6) Jing Y, Zhu H*, Ding H, and Bi R. Spatial variation in soil available potassium and temporal changes due to intrinsic and extrinsic factors: a 10-year study. Journal of soil science and plant nutrition, 2022, 22, 1305-1314.

(7) Zhu H*, Sun R, Bi R, and Hou M. Characterizing multiscale effects of climatic factors on the temporal variation of vegetation in different climatic regions of China. Theoretical and applied climatology, 2022, 148, 33-47.

(8) Jing Y, Zhu H*, Bi R, and Hou M. Using temporal and spatial scales to unravel the effects of climatic factors on vegetation variations in China. Frontiers in ecology and evolution, 2021,9,730673.

(9) Zhu H, Hu W, Ding H, Lv C, and Bi R*. Scale- and location-specific multivariate controls of topsoil organic carbon density depend on landform heterogeneity. Catena, 2021, 207, 105695.

(10) Zhu H, Ding H, Bi R*, and Hou M*. Large-extent spatial heterogeneity of soil bioavailable micronutrients and the relative roles of environmental indicators on them within maize fields.  Ecological indicators, 2021, 130, 108071.

(11) Zhu H, Bi R, Sun R, Xu Z, Lv C, and Yang J*. Revealing the 2D scale-location specific variations of soil properties in the coal mining area of Changhe watershed, China. Land degradation and development, 2020, 31(18), 2775-2788.

(12) Zhu H, Sun R, Xu Z, Lv C, and Bi R*. Prediction of soil nutrients based on topographic factors and remote sensing index in a coal mining area, China. Sustainability, 2020, 12, 1626.

(13) Zhu H, Sun R, Bi R, Li T, Jing Y, and Hu W*. Unraveling the local and structured variation of soil nutrients using two-dimensional empirical model decomposition in Fen River Watershed, China. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2020, 66(11), 1556-1569.

(14) Zhu H, Cao Y, Jing Y, Liu G, Bi R*, and Yang W. Multi-scale spatial relationships between soil total nitrogen and influencing factors in a basin landscape by multivariate empirical mode decomposition. Journal of Arid Land, 2019,11(3), 385-399.

(15) Zhu H, Hu W, Jing Y, Cao Y, Bi R*, and Yang W. Soil organic carbon prediction based on scale-specific relationships with environmental factors by discrete wavelet transform. Geoderma, 2018, 330, 9-18.

(16) Zhu H, Xu Z, Jing Y, Bi R, and Yang W*. Spatial variation and predictions of soil organic matter and total nitrogen based on VNIR reflectance in a basin of Chinese Loess Plateau. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2018, 18(4), 1126-1141.

(17) Zhu H, Bi R*, Duan Y, and Xu Z. Scale-location specific relations between soil nutrients and topographic factors in the Fen River basin, Chinese Loess Plateau. Frontiers of Earth Science, 2017, 11(2): 397-406.

(18) Zhu H, Hu W, Bi R, Peak D, and Si B*. Scale- and location-specific relationships between soil available micronutrients and environmental factors in the Fen River basin on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Catena, 2016, 147, 764-772.

(19) Zhu H, Zhao Y, Nan F, Duan Y, and Bi R*. Relative influence of soil chemistry and topography on soil available micronutrients by structural equation modeling. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2016, 16(4), 1038-1051.

(20) 王标,朱洪芬*,许月凤,孙瑞鹏. 基于时空分解的汾河流域植被净初级生产力的变异性及驱动因子分析. 山西农业科学,2023,52(1): 98-109.

(21) 孙瑞鹏, 丁皓希, 毕如田, 邓永鹏, 朱洪芬*. 基于光谱指数的晋西黄土区土壤黏粒含量估测. 山西农业科学,2022,50(05): 660-668.

(22) 朱洪芬,南  锋,徐占军,荆耀栋,段永红,毕如田*. 黄土高原盆地区土壤有机质与影响因子的空间多尺度关系. 生态学报,2017, 37(24): 8348-8360.






(1)朱洪芬,毕如田,荆耀栋,梁建财,吕春娟. 一种土壤浸取液的取样装置,专利号 ZL201910028703.8,2021

(2)朱洪芬,丁皓希,孙瑞鹏,毕如田. 一种野外土壤土层的标本采集制作装置及其使用方法,专利号ZL202110504770.X,2024



